In this context the establishment of a BIOFARMING SYSTEM (BS), mainly promoted by the ngo Bioeconomy Africa, established by Dr Getachew Tikubet in 2003 and based in Addis Ababa, could represent a key issue to improve livelihood and enhance sustainability of eco-social systems in urban and rural areas of African countries. Universities should play a fundamental leading role to introduce innovative technologies in Biofarms.
MAINBIOSYS project aims to provide involved Universities with the necessary competences to efficiently apply advanced research methodologies and promote development processes.
The project will last 36 months (08.10.2013 – 07.10.2016).
The problems MAINBIOSYS aims to address is twofold:
- Qualified academic staff shortage and limited capacity to produce innovative and advanced applied research in natural sciences and agricultural issues. MAINBIOSYS plans to transfer research methodology capacities in order to increase quality of Universities applied research on BS issues or to enhance Universities capacity to train competent and professional experts in sustainable agriculture.
- Complying with both national development strategies and EU sustainable development policies and coherently with the economic structure of national systems, agricultural activities and, in that, environment friendly production practices have to be enhanced in order to promote virtuous sustainable growth processes and improve socioeconomic conditions of population.
Overall objective:
- to contribute to foster capacity building and regional integration of Ethiopian and Ugandan Universities in the Biofarming System,
- to contribute to support higher education of quality, that is efficient and relevant to the needs of the labour market and consistent with the African regions' andmember countries’ socio-economic development priorities.
Specific objectives:
- to transfer research methodology with the development of Biofarming demonstration actions;
- to enhance the Universities capacity building to train competent and professional experts in sustainable agriculture;
- to establish a research network between Universities in the African Countries and with EU Universities.